Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Men's and Women's Groups are Meeting!

Are you a college woman looking to expand her knowledge of different styles of prayer as you grow your relationship with Jesus?  Are you a college woman who would like to connect with other college women growing their relationships with Jesus?  Maddy is just the person to get you connected!  Please join us on Thursdays at 4pm at the Campus Religious Center.  Supper is provided!

Are you a college man who would like to be one of Kapaun's Men?  Are you a college man who has no idea what a Kapaun's Man would be?  Austin is just the person to fill you in!  Please join us on Thursdays at 5pm at the Campus Religious Center.  Supper is provided!

New Lector! Welcome, Bennet!

An integral part of our Campus Ministry program is the involvement of our students in Mass ministries.  They provide leadership not just to the other students on campus, but to our overall Parish Community as well.  This weekend, we had our first new lector of the school year:  Bennet!  I doubt anyone knew it was the first time he had lectored!  We are looking forward to his continued service to our community!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Living the Spiritual Works of Mercy: With Quinn!

 For our introductory talk about "Living the Spiritual Works of Mercy", we were joined by Quinn Horvath, Funeral Director with Horvath Funeral Service.  Quinn shared about "Praying for the Living and the Dead."  He focused primarily on praying for those who have died, and for assisting survivors in beginning a healthy relationship with grief.

The conversation began as Quinn explained the five stages of grief, and then moved into the celebrations of our faith that support people through the grief process while praying for the soul of the person who has died.  In addition, Quinn shared about the days long grieving that brings thousands of people from around the world in some of the cultural celebrations that are lived in our community. It was a great night, filled with new information about prayer we may have never considered.

Thank you, Quinn!

Student Athlete Study: Revelations

Our student athletes asked if we would be able to have a Bible Study again this year.  If they are looking for it, how can we say anything but "YES!"?  So, yes it is!  Wednesday nights at 9pm we meet at the Campus Religious Center.  Father Paul found a great study on the book of Revelations, and we dug in!

Last year, we had four students.  We started this semester with eight!  Dance team, baseball, basketball, football, track and cross country were all represented at our table.  How wonderful it is to have everyone back together, with more!

All student athletes are welcome to join us at the Campus Religious Center each Wednesday evening at 8pm.  We hope to see you there!

Welcome Grill Out!

 Supper was served to more than 40 people on the Tuesday after Labor Day!  It was great to smell the fresh burgers and brats being grilled.  It was better to see the people who enjoyed them!

Special thanks to Doreen and Tim for all of their service to our Campus Community!

Fresh Holy Water Blessed

One of the ways I always know we are beginning a new year in the life of the Campus is the blessing of the new Holy Water.  It is a sign of new life, a reminder of our baptisms, and an invitation to begin anew.  For all of our students who come to the Chapel for the first time, for this year or at all, we welcome you as you live out the call of your baptism on our Campus!

Thank you to Father Denny for blessing our Holy Water!